
Neil Ellingson - Doubt Be Not Proud - April 3, 2016

R&B Co-founder Neil kicks of a sermon series on doubt. Listen, cuz its interesting. 

isten On:

Doubt Month:

At Root and Branch, we like to talk a big game about how we’re a safe religious space to question even the most central tenets of religion. And simply because we’re trying to put down roots of commitment and to branch out with faith, doesn’t mean we won’t have moments or months where we feel like we’re treading water, and the waves are choppy, and was that a shark fin are you f-ing serious right now?

But is there a point where doubt itself must be put into question? Is there a fruitful kind of doubting and one that is just plain destructive and unhelpful? What’s the difference between intellectual doubt—say about the truth or falsehood of Biblical claims—and existential doubt—say in our own worthiness, or the basic trustworthiness of life, other people, and the God who gives reality to all of the above? Must they be connected at all?

Join us for our sermon series in April, International Doubt Month, and help us dig into doubt.

Doubt, thou shalt be doubted.